Trend items were measured using a 10-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (not a trend) to 10 (definitely a trend). Participants also were provided a comment box to add qualitative data about the eight trend categories or potential items omitted from the current survey for future consideration. The online survey was emailed to ACSM certified professionals, ACSM alliance members, ACSM professional members, HFJ associate editors, and HFJ editorial board members (N = 24,566). A link also was provided on the HFJ web site and social media platforms, including this Journal’s Facebook page and the ACSM Instagram. After duplicates and incomplete data lines were removed, a final sample size of 1,997 was used to determine the 2024 ACSM Top 20 Trends.
Survey respondents represent a variety of occupations within the fitness industry (Table 1), with 22% indicating they were employed as full-time or part-time personal trainers. Participants were 51% men with a mean age of 39.2 years. Approximately half of the participants have 1 to 6 years of experience working in the fitness industry, which indicates a slightly less experienced demographic than previous years. Table 2 also shows the education level and primary work setting for respondents.
Source – A.C.S.M. site (Worldwide Fitness Trends