Personal Level Fitness helps people like you reach your fitness goals, right here in Columbus, Ohio. By utilizing private fitness suites, nutritional advice, and customized workouts with personal trainers that actually care, our focus is completely on your success!

Our personal trainers hold degrees and additional certifications in fitness training. They also undergo a rigorous in-house training program where they become experts at helping people succeed with their fitness goals.


Alexandra Craig


B.S. Exercise Physiology
Minor in Nutrition
A.C.S.M. Exercise Physiologist, Pn1, Pn2 Master Coach
25 years of Experience

Alexandra believes that exercise is a key piece of the puzzle when it comes to mental, physical, and emotional health. Exercise is a way to release many different stressors we experience on a daily basis. Not only does it help us deal with our health and stress issues, it gives us emotional confidence on the inside and out. Read about her intro into fitness.

My passion is to help people of all walks of life and health experience exercise on a very personal level. I opened Personal Level Fitness for the following reasons:

  1. to help people who have a difficult time exercising accomplish their goals
  2. to teach people how to lose weight and keep it off
  3. to take a current training program to the next level
  4. to teach people how to eat correctly and live a healthy lifestyle

Each client should be treated as an individual and not as a number so that they get the results that work best for their bodies. My intent for our clients is that they get the absolute best one-on-one, personal training in a clean, upbeat, and encouraging environment. Our attitudes should always reflect a willingness to go above and beyond what our clients’ expectations are. We are always here for the client to provide them with outstanding customer service, a shoulder to lean on, and the best results possible!

Jacob Day

B.S. in Exercise Science
A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer

Jake believes that fitness training is an essential part of living a long and healthy life. He intends to provide the best workouts and customer service he can for all clients.

Jake wants the clients to put forth their best effort at each session. The overall goal of fitness training is to increase one’s fitness to adequately perform activities of daily living. He likes the training environment to be positive, motivating, and fun for both himself and the client. Jake wants to see the clients achieve their goals and become more fit and happy.

Richelle Ritchie

B.S. Exercise Science - OSU - (in progress)
NASM – Certified Personal Trainer

Richelle believes fitness training is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. Training helps people feel better both physically and mentally. Her intent as a fitness coach is to help everyone find love for fitness, help them reach their individual goals, and build confidence through training. The client should expect to give their all during each session! Putting in the work will help to be successful when it comes to achieving short/long term goals.

Richelle believes the general goal of fitness training is to improve all aspects of health and well-being. The environment is an important aspect of this. It should be motivating and uplifting so clients can feel comfortable and be their best selves. Richelle would love to see clients living a happier and healthier lifestyle so that they can do any kind of activity with ease for a long time.

Fred Pitts V

B.S. Exercise Science – Ohio Dominican University
A.C.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer

Fred believes that fitness training is a tool that allows people to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally. This amazing tool empowers people with the freedom to achieve goals they once felt were unattainable. This freedom could be recovering after a surgery, playing a sport, or even enjoying grandkids. His intent while training is to establish a positive and meaningful report with the client. Fred also likes to produce a safe and effective training message to motivate clients to push past their limits. The client should be ready to do their absolute best and expect nothing less from him!

The general goal of fitness training is to incorporate positive habits to live a happy and healthy life. The training environment should be a part of that by being fun, positive, and safe! Fred would like clients to leave the studio happier and healthier with the understanding that their growth was positive because of their own courage and effort.

Tabitha Godarova

B.S. Exercise Science and Health Promotion
A.C.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer

Tabitha believes that fitness training is the foundation for maintaining an active lifestyle. Her intent when training is to help clients feel more comfortable working out while supporting and guiding them through each exercise. The client should be ready to push themselves through each exercise while listening to their bodies to not overdo it. The goal of fitness training is to live a more sustainable and active lifestyle.

Tabitha likes the environment to be supportive and encouraging. She would like to see clients perform daily activities with greater ease, strength, endurance, and mobility. She wants them to gain confidence and be more comfortable with exercise.

Michael O’Sullivan

B.S. Exercise Science and Health Promotion
A.C.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer

Mike believes that fitness is putting in effort to improve your quality of life. Fitness helps the ability to function, do daily life tasks, and one’s ability to perform extracurricular activities. He wants to help clients to improve on whatever their needs are. This could be, strength, weight loss, balance, and/or overall health. Mike wants the client to be able to better themselves, strive for growth and really challenge themselves to make changes.

The overall goal of general fitness is to set goals that are achievable that will help with the overall well-being of the individual. The training environment should help the client do this! It should be fun, exciting, engaging, energetic and safe for the client to grow. Mike would love to help others feel and see the joy in working on physical fitness.

Keirra Sanders

A.S. Physical Therapy Assistant
B.S. Exercise Physiology, Minor in Biological Sciences
ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Keirra believes that fitness training can enhance someone’s life physically, emotionally, and mentally. Exercise can be a great part of anyone’s lifestyle. When training clients, she likes to make sure they feel seen, heard, and respected. As well as providing them with the education to reach their goals. Keirra’s clients should be ready to give it their all during each session and be open to learn ways to reach their goals. The overall goal of fitness training is to improve your quality of life and perform daily activities with optimal performance.

Keirra wants the training environment to be positive, fun, and productive. The training session should result in clients having a positive self-image and knowing that they are reaching their goals with each session.

Nolan Rehmar

B.S. Exercise Science
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Nolan believes that fitness training is crucial to optimize health. There are many fun and accessible methods of training for everyone, and it is never too late to start. He likes to build lasting strength through a full range of motion, so that everyday activities become easier. This will happen when the clients are diligent with their training and always give their best effort. The overall goal of training is to improve strength and body awareness. That will allow us to enjoy our favorite activities as long as possible.

The training environment should be relaxed, focused and fun. Nolan would like to see a stronger, more stable and healthier person over time. He likes to see body confidence developed so clients feel more comfortable with the activities they enjoy.

Nick Evanko

B.S. Exercise Science
ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Nick believes that everyone should be working on their fitness training. It is vital to staying healthy and strong throughout life. His intent while training clients is to help them stay fit and strong for as long as he can so they can keep doing their daily habits! The client should be ready to reach the fitness goals that they have set throughout their time here. He believes the overall goal of fitness training is to stay healthy and active as long as you can. The longer you stay active, the healthier you will be, and the better quality of life you will live.

Nick wants the training environment to be safe and welcoming for all fitness levels. It should also be fun and challenging at that client’s level. Nick is always looking to expand his knowledge and experience as a trainer to better serve his clients. Getting to know the clients and watching them progress to reach their fitness goals is a big part of why Nick became a Fitness Coach.