The gluteus maximus gets a lot of attention, not only because it’s a prime mover for exercises like squatting, hip hinging and running, but because of its derriere-shaping effects. There is, however, another often-overlooked gluteal muscle deserving of your attention.
The gluteus medius is responsible for abduction, internal and external rotation of the hip, and stabilization of the hip and pelvis during weight-bearing activities (Macadam, Cronin and Contreras, 2015). To locate the gluteus medius, stand with your hands over the sides of your hips, below your iliac crest. Stabilize on one leg and abduct the other. You should feel the muscle directly under the hand of your abducting leg contract. This is your gluteus medius. (Note: The gluteus medius of your standing leg is also working to stabilize your hip and pelvis).
For many of your clients, this important hip muscle is underactive and weak, which can alter hip, knee and lower-back function, and is associated with low-back pain (Cooper et al., 2016; (Philippon et al., 2011). Help your clients activate and strengthen this powerful lower-body muscle by including the following six exercises in their exercise programs. You can use these six exercises individually or as a warm-up for lower-body compound or locomotive movements.
Side-lying Hip Abduction
Lie on one side with the bottom leg bent to 45 degrees and the top leg straight. Stack the hips and shoulders directly on top of one another. There is a strong tendency to roll the hips forward or back here. Setting up with a wall directly behind the client can be a helpful positioning cue. Engage the gluteus medius to lift the upper leg toward the ceiling; squeeze and hold the top position and then slowly lower the leg. This is not a big movement and is easily overdone, which shifts the work away from the gluteus medius to other surrounding musculature. Avoid any crunching with the trunk and lift the leg just high enough to feel the gluteus medius engage. For an additional challenge, add an isometric hold at the top.