What are SMART goals?

The SMART method helps you effectively approach reaching your goals in the workplace. The SMART acronym stands for:

  • Specific: Increase the chances that you are able to accomplish the goals for your business by making sure they’re well-defined. Determine the who, what, where, when and why.
  • Measurable: Develop criteria for measuring progress toward your business’ goals. Detail the key indicators that help you decide if and when you reach your goal by quantifying them.
  • Achievable: Create goals for your business that are attainable and achievable by ensuring that you and your team have the skills and resources to reach the goal.
  • Relevant: Align your company goals with the overall objectives of your business and the realities of the market.
  • Time-bound: Give yourself and your staff a deadline for reaching your goal to provide a sense of urgency and the opportunity to schedule the steps you plan to take to achieve the goal.

Benefits of using SMART goals

There are many benefits for using SMART goals in business, such as it:

  • Increases the likelihood of achieving your goals. Using the SMART goals acronym when creating business objectives may give you and your team more motivation, focus and clarity.
  • Identifies the steps needed to reach your goals. Thinking through the details enables you to create an action plan and identify the support, resources and training you need to accomplish your company’s goals.
  • Allows you to effectively grow your business. Using the SMART goals acronym helps you establish a target date for deliverables, enabling you to prioritize the goal and see real results. This is especially beneficial as it helps you avoid getting distracted by day-to-day tasks, temporarily dismissing some of your long-term goals for business growth.