These series of movements help to strengthen the small, but crucial muscles, the rotator cuffs, and also other muscles of the upper back and shoulders.

These series of movements help to strengthen the small, but crucial muscles, the rotator cuffs, and also other muscles of the upper back and shoulders.

The rotator cuff has the important job of stabilizing the shoulder as well as elevating and rotating the arm.

The four muscles that form the rotator cuff are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. Often the mnemonic S.I.T.S is used to help remember the muscles that make up the rotator cuff.

How to perform The I’s, Y’s, T’s and W’s Exercise:

1 Lie on your stomach on a Stability Ball and extend your arms in front of you, forming the letter “I”, with your thumbs toward the ceiling. Try to lift your arms by squeezing your shoulder blades together in back. They will not move much, but you should really feel that squeeze. Slowly lower your arms and repeat.

2 Now form the letter “Y”, with your thumbs still up toward the ceiling. All movement should be coming from the shoulder blades, and not just from movement of the shoulders.

3. Form a “T” with your palms turned toward the floor. Again, lift your arms by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly lower and repeat.

4 Finally, do the letter “W”, with your palms toward your sides.

Do three sets of ten repetitions of each, starting with no weights, then very light weights, then slightly heavier weights.