18 Healthy Christmas Snacks made from Fruit

1.  Watermelon Christmas Trees 

How pretty are these watermelon Christmas trees? They are perfect for those of us that celebrate Christmas in summer. Freeze the trees for a fun, festive, frozen treat.

2.  Kiwi Christmas Trees

The vibrant green colour of kiwis are perfect for creating Christmas trees.  Top with a watermelon star and use the skin for the tree base.

3.  3D Fruit Christmas Tree (Iowa Girl Eats)

This 3D Fruit Christmas tree is stunning and is definitely more of a centre piece rather than a snack. I love how beautiful it is and I know my boys would be all over this!

4. Grape Christmas Tree

Green grapes are another great fruit for turning into Christmas Trees.  The bonus with this snack is that the grapes are cut in half making them safe to eat for little ones.